Sunday, November 14, 2010

Almost Two!

Time continues to fly by and it seems like the Abu and Meaza are growing and changing every week.  They will turn 2 on Thanksgiving Day and we are already seeing some toddler temper tantrums.  However, generally they are very happy and amusing.  Abu is our talker and is saying new words every day while Meaza more carefully chooses the words she wants to say.  We thought life changed when they started walking but they continue to throw us new challenges.  Lately they have started climbing like mountain goats and just yesterday Meaza decided that she was ready to move on from just straddling her crib railing to pushing herself off to the floor.  She's tough and was only slightly fazed by the big fall.  And speaking of challenges, when we put one in a "timeout", the other thinks he/she is missing out on something and wants to be in the same timeout space which then leads to a fight.  Clearly we need to work on this….  As of the end of September, I am back to staying home full-time with them.  It's been an adjustment figuring out how to keep them busy and entertained but this is a good thing and overall we're doing great.  Here are a few recent pictures to include one after their first venture at trick-or-treating in their sea otter costumes. 


We hope everyone is doing well!


Elizabeth & John



  1. I love the sea otter costumes. Love them! Looks like you all are very, very happy.

  2. So, so sweet! I love these updates. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the season!
