Saturday, May 22, 2010

Deg graduates preschool

I know that posts without pictures aren't nearly as exciting as ones with, but if i wait for a picture, it won't get done. Deg graduates preschool this Thursday. It is hard to believe the difference in his ability to communicate back in September on our drives to and from compared to now.

He has made some good friends while in preschool. He went from being the little boy that most of the girls were a bit unsure of to the one they all want hugs from before leaving. The boys are his good buddies as well.

His teachers put together an end-of-the-year book for all of the kids. It was to show the progress made during the year. What was remarkable is that he has grown 3.5 inches and gained 7 pounds in 9 months. Amazing, isn't it? I think that he will be passing his siblings in height much sooner than any of them would want. He gulps down milk and then flexes his arms to show me his muscles (and they are really there). We've convinced him that milk makes them grow. He has gone from not liking it to saying "i love milk momma".

He'll be charming his Kindergarten teachers this fall. Will definitely be posting him getting on the yellow school bus. A big milestone in all of our lives. I'll be the one in the background dancing my way home ... at least the first day. I'm sure I'll miss having a buddy at home as the year goes on.

Loved having a chance for some of us to get together in DC. It was like having family visit :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

last day in dc

we had a great time in dc, lots of great sites to see and of course the opportunity to see the dc area families. its hard to believe how just one week together in ethiopia created such a tight bound between all of our families. it was very hard to say goodbye again (i wished we all lived closer to each other).

for our last day we meet up with john, elizabeth, abu and meaza at the ethiopian embassy. the embassy was open as part of passport dc. we spent a couple hours watching a coffee ceremony, eating traditional foods, chasing after the twins (they are fast!) and visiting.

here are a couple more pictures (i will stop hogging the its time for everyone else to post some new pictures :-)